Zeff Wheelock

It IS all about me…

My Opinion On The Olympics

  I have watched the Olympics for as long as I can remember and I have come to the following conclusion:  Get rid of all judged sports.  This includes all gymnastics, diving, ice skating, synchronized swimming, freestyle skiing and the like.  I see no reason why medals should be awarded based on someone else’s judgement.  I have seen and have been disappointed numerous amount of times by error, inexperience, etc.  How can there be a full point differential in judging?  Obviously, there are problems with the system(s).  There should be no more than a .5 differential in the scoring.  As long as there are human judges, all scores will be suspect.  I hope in the future there will be a couple of computers set up at different angles which can analyze using computer modeling that can pick up the subtleties of each movement and accurately and unbiasedly score the event.  

Which sports do I like in the Olympics?  Any sport that is timed-based and/or point-based.  There is no ambiguity in time or points.  Who ever scores more or finishes first wins.  Those results are not determined by a third party (with very rare exceptions where the referee actually makes a poor call that decides a result).  They are definitive.

August 23, 2008 - Posted by | General |

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